Monday, July 20, 2009

40th Anniversary Celebration Today

People joined together at the Cosmosphere today to celebrate the 40th anniversary of man's landing on the moon.

With audio from 40 years ago playing in the background, people enjoyed cake and liquid oxygen, tang-flavored ice cream. Thanks to Wal-Mart for donating the cake.

Both KSN and KAKE TV, as well as the Hutchinson News covered the event as President and CEO Chris Orwoll made some brief comments before cutting the cake. KWCH did a preview piece on Sunday night's news.

Today also marked the opening of the special exhibit from Leslie Cantwell, "Reflections: Images of Apollo."

In case you can't make it out in the photo, Buzz Aldrin inscribed this photo with the words, "Envy the nation that has heroes."
The Cosmosphere also opened the exhibit today featuring The Trophy Trout and other Apollo "gotcha" gifts.

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