Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Joe Engle Was a Big Hit

Astronaut Joe Engle spoke to a standing-room only crowd at the Cosmosphere Friday night. Some people had traveled quite a distance to see him.

He used a model of the X-15 during his speech. There were three of these planes, and two still exist. The one Engle flew most of the time is in the Smithsonian, where this photo was taken some years ago.

The other one is in a museum in Dayton, Ohio. This photo was taken in 2004.

The warnings on the side give reason to pause.

Afterwards he signed photos and models and chatted with people until everyone got through the line.

He was the grand marshal in the Hutchinson Patriot's Parade the next morning.

Photos courtesty of Greg Holmes at www.thelope.com, and Patsy Terrell at www.patsyterrell.com.

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