Monday, August 31, 2009

Starry Night on August 21

August 21 was the Cosmosphere's Starry Night party. It may well have been the First Annual Starry Night event because it was really cool.

About 900 people came to enjoy the festivities, which included a lengthy list of things. There were rockets, liquid oxygen ice cream, a moon walk, presentations and start gazing.

Thank you to our sponsors – Hutchinson Credit Union, YP of Reno County and Radio Kansas.

Martin Ratcliffe, a contributing editor to Astronomy magazine spoke to the crowd about what they could see in the night sky. We’re so very appreciative of the astronomy experts who came out and brought their telescopes to share with folks.

Kids could build and launch air rockets. That was a popular spot.

There were also rocket demonstrations. There must have been 60 kids running after the rockets as they were setting them off.

People lined up at the various telescopes after dark to get an up-close view of the night sky. It was a great time to see Jupiter.

Thanks to everyone for coming out. It seemed everyone was having fun.

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