Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gong Bath on October 24 at Cosmosphere

On Saturday, October 24, “the gong lady” from Wichita, deBorah Gray, will offer a gong bath at the Cosmosphere. She uses the gongs in her massage therapy business and travels with them only a couple of times a year. This is the first time a gong bath has been offered in Hutchinson. It will be from 4-6 p.m. Arrive by 3:30 for the gong bath.

She will be bringing a dozen gongs, ranging in size from 36 inches to 22 inches. Each gong is embellished with the glyph of the planet who’s orbital frequency it represents. They are played by being lightly touched with a felt hammer.

The gongs are from Germany, and tuned to planetary frequencies. She will play for more than an hour. You’ll be able to hear – and feel – the vibrations as they build on each other. You’re invited to bring something to lie on, a pillow, and a blanket for warmth, and experience a gong bath.

In some cultures, gongs were an essential part of daily living, and are still used in certain areas. The making of gongs was veiled in secrecy. The Gong Bath is used throughout Europe as a form of meditation to help the mind focus and relax. Come enjoy this unique experience for yourself at the Cosmosphere!

The cost is $25 per person and space is limited. Contact the Cosmosphere at 620-662-2305 to reserve your spot.


  1. Sounds fantastic! Kudos to the Cos.

    What time will it be?

    Martha Slater

  2. The time will be 4-6 p.m. We're asking people to arrive by 3:30 to secure their spot and get comfortable before we begin. No one will be admitted late. We were still working out details when this was posted, but the time is not secure. Hope to see you then!


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