Friday, September 4, 2009

Mythology Teacher Workshop

Hello, this is Demetree Gaines at the Cosmosphere. Since I have taken over the duties of the teacher workshops hear at the Cosmosphere I have been asked by many teachers about Mythology and when could they expect a workshop about it. I didn't feel like I knew enough about mythology to create a full workshop about the subject, so I enlisted the help of my office mate and local Astronomy expert, Brad Nuest. Together we have come up with a workshop so huge, so new, so fresh and exciting that we had to make it an overnight.

For the first time at the Cosmosphere, a teacher workshop will be an overnight adventure. We will offer continuing education credit from Friends and Emporia Universities, classroom materials, power points and activities that will keep us busy all night.

Having this workshop in the evening gives us a chance to do things that we normally don't have time for during a teacher workshop. One thing I'm excited about is the Make-it & Take-it activity. We will make a rocket launcher to go along with paper rockets. Paper rockets are really popular and the NASA rocket guide has wonderful lesson plans for them. I wish I could be in the classroom when you guys unveil some these things, because it is going to be awesome.

The second activity that I just have to mention is the Star Observation. We do these during our camps but this is the first time we've done it during a teacher's workshop. With the use of a telescope we will focus on the Moon, Jupiter and the constellations Sagittarius and Capricorn, which is a nice segue into Astronomy and Astrology, the other part of the workshop.

Because it's an overnight you will need to bring all the things that you need to function. When you sign-up you will get a list of things that you should and can bring. I will provide some additional evening activities because not everyone will be ready to bed down after the activities are done for the day. But for those of you who do want to rest there will be a separate area, so you can sleep while the other trouble makers have their run of the building.

I could fill up pages of why you should come and bring a friend. However, if you need one more, here it is. Were taking a completely different approach this time, normally we have pizza for dinner or order something from somewhere else. But this time you are getting a home cooked meal, made from scratch with love. And that's all I have to say about that.

So if you are interested, come and check it out. You can contact Laurie Given here at the Cosmosphere to register. (620-662-2305 ext. 323) Participants must register before or by September 28You will not be disappointed. Come and discover how fun our workshops can be.

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