Thursday, June 3, 2010

Coffee at the Cosmo - June 17 - Free

Coffee at the Cosmo on Thursday, June 17, is entitled, “In This Episode of MacGyver: NASA’s Use of Off-The-Shelf Technology to Fly in Space.” It is at 9 a.m. at the Cosmosphere and is free and open to the public.

These off-the-shelf items were sometimes used to “save the mission,” a prime example being Apollo 13. Other discussions will be Apollo 11’s broken circuit switch, Apollo 16’s suit issue, and Apollo 17’s broken fender. The astronauts were MacGyver long before there was a MacGyver. They saved the mission with whatever they had available.

Artifacts not currently on display will be used to illustrate the topic.
Just a few of those included this month are:
CO2 Element Absorber (think Apollo 13 survival scenario)
Randall Knife
LB7 personal kit items (i.e. soap, bandage, matches, etc.)
You’ll have an opportunity for a close-up look after the presentation.

Coffee at the Cosmo is an ongoing series of free presentations at the Cosmosphere. It’s the third Thursday of every month at 9 a.m. and is always free. Enjoy coffee and pastries, meet new friends, and learn something new.

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