Friday, November 12, 2010

Brand Names in Space at Coffee at the Cosmo

Coffee at the Cosmo on Thursday, November 18, is entitled, “To Boldly Go Where No Product Has Gone Before: Brand Names in Space.” It is at 9 a.m. at the Cosmosphere and is free and open to the public.

Tang and Velcro weren’t the only brand name products that flew into space. You might have items on your pantry shelves that bear the same names as those that made it into orbit. Learn about some of them, and get a look at artifacts not currently on display.

Coffee at the Cosmo is an ongoing series of free presentations at the Cosmosphere. It’s the third Thursday of every month at 9 a.m. and is always free. Enjoy coffee and pastries, meet new friends, and learn something new.

Upcoming Topics Include:

December 16, 2010 “Barbie Loves Buzz: Space Toys”

January 20, 2011 “The Sacrifice of Exploration: Tragedy in Space Flight”

February 17, 2011 “Snoopy Soars with NASA: Exhibit Preview”

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