Call Janet Fisher for more information at 620-665-9340, or sign up online at: Night Volunteer NeedsAugust 28, 2010 – Hobart Detter Field in Carey Park
Event runs from 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Front GateNeed three people to at front gate to welcome people and get them to sign up for drawings.
5:30 – 8:30 p.m. is the time you need to be available
Moon Walk InflatableNeed two people to oversee this – making sure not too many kids in at a time.
5:45 – 8:45 p.m. is the time you need to be available
Air RocketsNeed four people to work with education staff. Volunteers will help kids build their air rockets. This will involve gluing on fins and attaching nose cones, then helping package up remaining items afterwards.
6 – 9 p.m. is the time you need to be available
Solar system braceletsNeed four people to work with education staff to help kids make solar system bracelets. Education staff will explain each bead represents a planet.
5:45 – 8:45 p.m. is the time you need to be available
GlidersNeed two people to help hand out gliders to kids. Education will have someone to explain the principles involved.
6 – 9 p.m. is the time you need to be available
Buttons Need five people to make buttons. Kids will color/decorate the paper, then it will be pressed into a pin-back button onsite. Volunteers will be taught to make buttons (simple process) so they can trade off during the night.
5:45 – 8:45 p.m. is the time you need to be available
TattoosNeed two people to apply temporary tattoos to kids. They use a sponge with water to put them on. We’ll provide all the materials.
6 – 9 p.m. is the time you need to be available
Water balloon launchNeed five volunteers - 2 to launch, 2 to make balloons, 1 to help kid launch. This is a splash zone job! You will get wet! People can trade off jobs, but we need a couple of people to get started early making balloons.
2 volunteers to make balloons
5:30-8:00 p.m.
3 to launch and help kids launch
6 – 8:30 p.m.