The Cosmosphere is now showing the movie, “Tornado Alley,” which includes footage of the TIV inside a tornado. Driver Marcus Gutierrez and Meteorologist Brandon Ivey, both of whom are featured in the show and the movie, will be at the Cosmosphere on April 11 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Their appearance is free to the public. Movie tickets are $8 for adults and $7 for children.
Gutierrez served as U.S. Navy corpsman and is now a first-class medic trained in trauma, pediatric cardiothoracic surgery and orthopedics. He has provided emergency support for the TIV team, and is the official driver. Hopefully his medical skills will not be needed for the TIV team in the future.

Come and see the TIV and meet Marcus and Brandon on April 11 at the Cosmosphere. Make plans to see “Tornado Alley” while you’re here.
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